
The Pick of the Day!

The theme of the Fashion Crimes pick of the day is animal rhinestone bracelets! These fantastic cuffs have a hinge so you can wear them at the wrist or on the upper arm, and they are encrusted in crystals providing a touch of class to such a vigorous piece of jewellery. The only question is, which animal will you go with?

1. Snakes

2. Eagle
3. Octopus
4. Rabbit
The animal jewelry doesn't stop there! We also have raccoon, snake, fish, turtle, and humming bird rings (to name a few!), and even earrings in the shape of blow fish. I could list the many jeweled critters we have here at Fashion Crimes but this blog post will then quickly turn into a novel! I think it would be easier on all of us if you just came in and paid us a visit. See you soon!

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